Case Management at the IRC
At the IRC in Spokane, we offer several different case management programs, with differing lengths and criteria for enrollment. Scroll down to learn about each program and how to refer a client you think may be eligible.
The PRIME extended case management program serves clients who are out of their resettlement period and are struggling with multiple challenges and need ongoing case management to achieve self-sufficiency. Case manager will conduct an intake to ensure that the client qualifies and then collaboratively develop a comprehensive service plan that outlines realistic goals. Case manager will link participants in need of services or benefits to local resources. Some services that have been provided in the past include eviction mitigation, connection to rental/utility/transportation assistance, connection to health programs or health care providers, connection to childcare providers, connection to legal assistance related to family law, and coaching on how to navigate housing. There is no financial support directly available from PRIME services.
- Age 16+
- Resided in US for 5 years or less
- Not eligible in their first 90 days
- Not enrolled in R&P, MG, PC, or other funded case management services
This short-term service is for clients facing small challenges in their journey to achieve self-sufficiency. These services are provided on a drop-in basis and do not include the same level of follow up as a long-term case management enrollment would.
When a client drops in, a case manager will conduct an intake to ensure that the client qualifies and then collaboratively develop a comprehensive service plan that outlines realistic goals. Case manager will link participants in need of services or benefits to local resources.
There is no financial support directly available from PRIME services. Different from the long-term prime case management, short term prime case management is designed for clients who need help short term and not on-going long-term case management which works closely with each step of clients’ progress. Clients who initially get short-term services can transfer to long-term prime case management if needs.
Examples of services provided through Short-term CM:
- Eviction Mitigation
- Connection to rental/utility/transportation assistance
- Connection to health programs or health care providers
- Assistance finding childcare providers
- Informal referral to legal assistances related to family law
- coaching on how to navigate housing
The Preferred Communities (PC) Intensive Case Management (ICM) program serves clients identified as highly vulnerable/ at-risk and who require more than six months of ongoing intensive services. Individuals are enrolled into ICM, not households or families, and serve as active partners throughout the service period. This allows for tailored case management that focuses on individual needs, creating sustainable action items to address barriers and identified vulnerabilities.
As with other case management programs, the goal of ICM is self-sufficiency.
- In the U.S. 5 years or less
- Not receiving duplicated services from other programs
- Can serve secondary migrants, asylees, and individuals resettled by other agencies if otherwise eligible